Online Dew Point Calculator
Our online dew point calculator helps make your complex dew point calculations and conversions easy. This online tool brings together many different measurement units for accurate calculations of pressure dew point and moisture content equivalents. Free and simple to use. Watch the video tutorial (to the right) or follow our step-by-step guide.
Please enter a number in either one of the two dewpoint values, selecting appropriate units, or one of the four absolute values before pressing the calculate button. 'Line Pressure' and 'Gas Type' are only required as inputs if the 'dewpoint at line pressure' or 'ppm(w)' are to be used/calculated.
PLEASE NOTE: Whilst every effort has been made by Shaw Moisture Meters to ensure that the calculations derived by the moisture calculator are correct, it assumes no responsibility for any errors. In no event shall Shaw Moisture Meters be liable for any damages whatsoever, arising from or relating to information contained in this site.
How to use the SHAW online dew point calculator
Step-by-Step Guide How to Use the SHAW Online Dew Point Calculator
Handy, Portable Pressure Dewpoint Calculator

Perfect for onsite visits and spot check reading conversions. This pressure dew point calculator stores easily in the carrying case alongside your portable dew point meter and is always ready to use, even in hazardous areas.
Use the front side for your calculations as it displays any dew point temperature at any given pressure. The reverse displays a table with easy conversions for dew point temperature. Use this side to convert your measurement units to: °C , °F, g/m³, lb/MMSCF, ppm(V) or pascals.
PLEASE NOTE: All conversions from our pressure dewpoint calculator are based on ideal gas behaviour.
Shaw Moisture Meters design and manufacture a range of dewpoint instruments for industrial and commercial applications. Our range includes: portable dew point meters, hand held hygrometers, trace moisture analysers, dew point sensors and dew point transmitters. All of our dew point instruments are suitable for the measurement of trace moisture in process gases and dry compressed air.
For advice choosing the right product for your application, please contact: +44 (0) 1274 733582 or email [email protected].
How to use the SHAW dewpoint calculator
Step-by-Step Guide How to Use the SHAW Pressure Dewpoint Calculator
Please Note: Shaw Moisture Meters make every effort to ensure the formulae used in this dew point calculator are correct. However, we provide this online calculator free of charge and ‘as-is’, without warranty or guarantee. In no event shall Shaw Moisture Meters be liable for any damages arising from or relating to information contained on this site.