For over 60 years Shaw Moisture Meters has been manufacturing dewpoint meters, hygrometers and trace moisture analysers for industrial and commercial applications.
The preferred choice of leading industry experts. We design and manufacture measurement solutions for a wide range of industries including power generation, semi-conductor manufacture and pharmaceuticals.
With years of experience and expertise to our name, we know our products work. They do exactly what they say they will. An important part of our service is to ensure that you receive the right product for your application every time. So, whether your priority is continuous measurement of dewpoint in compressed air or keeping hazardous environments stable, we can help. Our technical knowledge and clear product specifications make it easy to find the right product to match your exact requirements.
To find out how Shaw Moisture Meters can save you time and money, browse our products, applications and technology or call us on +44(0)1274 733582.
Please enter a number in either one of the two dewpoint values, selecting appropriate units, or one of the four absolute values before pressing the calculate button. 'Line Pressure' and 'Gas Type' are only required as inputs if the 'dewpoint at line pressure' or 'ppm(w)' are to be used/calculated.
PLEASE NOTE: Whilst every effort has been made by Shaw Moisture Meters to ensure that the calculations derived by the moisture calculator are correct, it assumes no responsibility for any errors. In no event shall Shaw Moisture Meters be liable for any damages whatsoever, arising from or relating to information contained in this site.